Donegal has lowest level of property tax compliance

Donegal has the lowest level of compliance with payment of the local property tax.
Just 87.1pc of property owners have paid up for 2013.
Revenue Commissioners are giving homeowners a final six weeks to pay up their property tax and household charge – to avoid interest and penalties or prosecution the Sheriff being called
About 100,000 homeowners have not paid up their property tax for 2013, but 460,000 haven’t paid the household charge for 2012.
Revenue is now putting out warning to four types of homeowners who have:
– not paid 2012 household charge;
– not filed and paid their 2013 and 2014 local property tax;
– undervalued their property;
– claimed an exemption they were not entitled to.
These homeowners have until March 31 to bring the property tax up to date and avoid interest and penalties.
Failing to avail of this opportunity will result in interest being charged, mandatory deduction from wages or hold back a tax clearance certificate.
