Rehab CEO Angela Kerins to go before PAC next week

Angela Kerins
It has been confirmed that Angela Kerins will appear before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) next week.
The Chief Executive of Rehab will face questions about her salary, the group’s lottery and other expenditure.
Rehab was forced to disclose earlier this week that Ms. Kerins has an annual salary of 240,000 euro plus perks.
PAC Chairman John McGuinness says they will be tied in the questions they can ask.
“We’re focusing on the 83 million or so that they would receive each year – provided we keep that as our focus then that’s fine” he said.
“Whether or no the remuneration committee should be asked in is another issue; because they set the salaries and so on for the group, they wouldn’t be directly responsible for the 83 million” he added.
