The counting of votes continues in the new Derry and Strabane council election.
In the six seater Ballyarnett DEA, Sandra Duffy, Tony Hasson and Elisha Mc Callion of Sinn Fein, Angela Dobbins and Brian Tierney of the SDLP and Independent Dee Quigley were all deemed elected last evening.
In the Waterside DEA, all seven seats have been filled, Gerard Diver and Martin Reilly of the SDLP, Hilary Mc Clintock, David Ramsey and Drew Thompson of the DUP elected along with Mary Hamilton of the Ulster Unionist Party and Christopher Jackson of Sinn Fein.
In the Foyleside DEA, John Boyle and Shauna Cusack of the SDLP have been elected, along with Mickey Cooper and Eric Mc Ginley of Sinn Fein and Independent Darren O’Reilly.
In the Derg Electoral Area, Kieran McGuire, Maolíosa McHugh and Ruairí McHugh of Sinn Féin have al ben elected, along with Derek Hussey of the Ulster Unionist Party and Thomas Kerrigan of the DUP.
In the Sperrin DEA, Alan Bresland and Rhonda Hamilton of the DUP have been elected, along with Patsy Kelly of the SDLP, while in the Faughan area, Maurice Devenney and Gary Middleton of the DUP have been elected there, along with Paul Fleming of Sinn Fein.
In The Moor, IndependentGary John Donnelly, a prominent dissident republican has been elected
- Thu, 13 Mar 2025
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