IFA members to meet in Donegal as association faces possible mass exodus

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New research shows that over half of all IFA members intend to cancel their membership.
The poll by farming website Agriland was carried out in the wake of the organisation’s wage scandal.
There’s been major controversy since details emerged last week of former General Secretary Pat Smith’s salary and 2 million euro severance package.
The revelations have also led to the resignation of the group’s President Eddie Downey.
Former Chief Economist, Con Lucey, is expected to publish a review of the IFA next month – but Editor of Agriland Margaret Donnelly says it may cause more problems………..

Meanwhile, an emergency meeting of the IFA in Donegal takes place tonight in Letterkenny’s Clanree Hotel, giving local farmers a chance to air their views.
County President Michael Chance says he’s already spoken to many members, and he’s in no doubt as to what must happen now……..
