€7 million to repair severe weather damage on Donegal’s roads

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Donegal’s roads are going to receive €7M under a severe weather allocation fund.
Junior Minister Joe Mc Hugh says the winter’s storms have resulted in massive damage to local and secondary roads, as well as bridges, across County Donegal. The repair works will improve accessibility for local residents, farmers and businesses and will make life easier for everyone.
The total fund available is worth €106 million nationally, and €85 million is being made available immediately to Local Authorities to start the work.
Statement in full –

Donegal roads to benefit from €7M in severe weather allocation fund- Minister McHugh

Fine Gael Minister of State Joe McHugh TD has said that Donegal roads are going to receive €7M under a severe weather allocation fund.
“I have been working to ensure that roads in Donegal receive the funds needed to repair the damage caused by severe flooding and winter storms. So the announcement by the Minister for Transport, Paschal Donohoe, that Donegal roads are going to receive €7M under a severe weather allocation fund will no doubt be welcomed by local road users.
“This winter’s storms have resulted in massive damage to local and secondary roads, as well as bridges, across County Donegal. The repair works will improve accessibility for local residents, farmers and businesses and will make life easier for everyone.
“The total fund available is worth €106 million nationally and €85 million is being made available immediately to Local Authorities to start the work. €8 million is also being allocated for national roads and a further €8 million is being set aside for repairs to rail infrastructure. The remaining funding will be allocated this summer depending on where the need arises.
“Minister Donohoe is confident that the funding allocations will be sufficient to repair all of the damage caused to local and regional roads during the floods and storms and, crucially, will also allow for significant preventative works to be carried out to protect against further damage in the future.
“It is thanks to our recovering economy that we can make these kinds of investments in our road network. It is good for tourism, increases efficiencies for businesses and benefits the local people in Donegal who use the roads on a daily basis.
“Fine Gael has a long term economic plan designed to keep the recovery going which will ensure we can continue to make these kinds of investments. The plan has three steps: more and better jobs, making work pay more than welfare, and investment in better public services, which will only be possible as a result of the increased revenue generated by creating more jobs. This plan will ensure that more people feel the benefits of a recovering economy in their own lives.”
