HIQA, the Health Information and Quality Authority has published 20 reports on residential services for people with disabilities.
Of the 20 reports published, 14 inspections found that the provider was generally ensuring a good level of compliance with the requirements of the regulations.
Three reports relate to HSE centres in Donegal.
In Dungloe services the Inspector found that while residents’ social wellbeing was generally maintained by a good standard of care and support, improvement was required to personal planning for developmental goals and some care assessments.
In the Loughnagin centre in Letterkenny some staff had not received centre specific fire safety training, although this training was scheduled to take place in the centre in the coming weeks in November 2016.
In Dunwiley & Cloghan centres the inspector found that residents’ rights were not consistently promoted at the centre.
The inspector found that complaint records did not show the complainant’s’ satisfaction with the outcome.
The inspector found annual reviews of residents’ personal plans and goals had not occurred.
Residents were not kept safe from all forms of abuse. Incidents between residents were referred to the centre’s designated safeguarding persons, although the inspector found evidence of preliminary screenings not being fully completed in residents’ records.
Since these inspections, HIQA has met with the HSE and has required them to implement an action plan to bring about improvements for residents in these centres. HIQA will continue to monitor centres in the North West closely as part of this process.
More details can be found at the following link: https://www.hiqa.ie/social-care/find-a-centre/inspection-reports
- Sat, 4 Jan 2025
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