The number of drinking water supplies in Donegal with high levels of THMs has been reduced to 11, following the removal of Fintown from Donegal’s Remedial Action List.
The Environmental Protection Agency removed the supply from the list after a €1.1 million investment programme involving the construction of new water mains and two booster pumping stations to connect Fintown to the Glenties supply, in order to reduce the risk posed by THMs.
Irish Water say works are progressing on 11 Donegal water supplies with a view to having them removed from the Remdial Action List as soon as possible.
The utility is currently upgrading or constructing three new plants to include a cryptosporidium barrier, at Glenties-Ardara, Owenteskna-Kilcar, and Letterkenny.
Works have been completed at Cashilard water treatment plant while the Creeslough treatment plant is being upgraded, with works at the Rathmullen and Greencastle sources also in progress.
The Portnoo-Narin scheme has been replaced by the Lettermacaward scheme where upgrade works are nearing completion.
Meanwhile, in Pettigo isinfection and filtration systems are being improved and a new plant is under consturction in Gortahork-Falcarragh due to high levels of aluminium in the water.
- Mon, 16 Sep 2024
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