The Irish National Teachers Organisation is calling for a review into fees currently being charged for online Gaeltacht courses.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, traditional courses cannot take place in the Gaeltacht.
Concern has been expressed among some student teachers that the online versions are effectively costing the same as attending the traditional courses.
Initially, the INTO says the online courses were a welcome alternative option during the pandemic.
In a statement, the INTO says the fees being charged for online courses appear excessive considering the cost for accommodation and in-person supports has been removed.
The INTO consistently called for the reinstatement of a grant for student teachers to attend Gaeltacht courses, which had been abolished by the Government during the recession.
While the organisation acknowledges that the grant has been re-instated for some student teachers, however in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic the INTO is calling for exceptional funding/supports to be urgently made available to all student teachers who will participate in online Gaeltacht courses this year.
- Wed, 8 Jan 2025
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