Claims that another fishing boat turned away from Killybegs harbour today

There have been claims that yet another fishing boat has been prevented landing at Killybegs today.

The Irish Fish Processors and Exporters Association say a Norwegian vessel had to relocate from Killybegs to Derry to weigh the fish it had onboard for the second time in a week – with no alternative options given to the vessel.

The IFPEA say that again the fish now must be transferred by road from Derry to Killybegs, and that up to fifty workers in the Killybegs factory had to be sent home again today as there were no fish for them to process.

There have been claims that the SFPA want the fish to be removed from water to be weighed at Killybegs – that’s despite there being facilities at Killybegs harbour that allow for accurate weighing of fish, that account for the water needed to keep the fish fresh.

This has happened as a public meeting is set to take place in Killybegs this afternoon at 4 o’clock to discuss the weighing crisis.
