Public reminded of caravan safety as Summer months approach

With the approach of Easter and many caravan parks opening for the summer season, Police are advising anyone who owns or uses a caravan to take steps to protect their property and valuables.

While caravans may be more than houses Crime Prevention and Early Intervention Chief Inspector Joanne Gibson says that doesn’t mean you can’t make your property secure.

Many people will make the most of their caravans over the coming months and when they do, they may take electronic equipment, such as tablets and games consoles with them.

Caravan owners should take a few practical crime prevention steps to reduce the chances of being a victim of crime:

  • Always close doors, windows and any skylights whenever you leave your caravan even if it’s only for a short time. Always lock your caravan and take the keys with you.
  • Take all your valuables with you when you leave the caravan or at least put them out of sight.
  • Have a reliable alarm fitted and turn it on when you leave your caravan.
  • Where possible, valuable items such as laptops, tablets should be marked with your postcode and house number using a UV marker.
  • Keep an eye on each other’s caravans when they are vacant. Don’t be afraid to report anything suspicious to the site manager or the Police.