New Assembly to meet for the first time at Stormont

Northern Ireland’s 90 MLAs meet at Stormont today, with the formation of a new power sharing executive topping the agenda.

It’s after Sinn Fein won 27 seats, compared to the DUP’s 25, with Michelle O’Neill set to be nominated as First Minister.

However, the DUP says it won’t re-enter power sharing until its issues with the protocol are addressed.

Donegal TD Padraig MacLochlainn says all MLAs have a responsibility to the electorate………..

Northern Secretary Brandon Lewis says he will address the issue of the protocol when he meets with the leaders of the main parties at Stormont later.

He’ll be urging the parties to form an Executive as soon as possible – as it hasn’t been able to function since February.

Nuala McAllister won a seat for the Alliance party, which almost doubled it’s representation in last week’s elections. She says the protocol and constitutional issues were not the ones being raised on the doorsteps………..
