GAA legend goes down in Croke Park


Croke Park, Dublin 27 th May 2022-  Last Friday, Plan International Ireland had their annual Croke Park abseil campaign. Plan International Ireland ambassador and Donegal GAA legend Brendan Deveney was joined by Chupi, staff from Salesforce, The Beacon Hospital and DCU, as well as over 60 brave fundraisers who abseiled the 150ft down Croke Park for the children’s rights and equality for girls.

Brendan Deveney, who is no stranger to Croke Park said; “What a wonderful way to raise vital funds for Plan International Ireland and raise awareness about their work throughout the world. With all that is going on in the world right now, it is so essential that if we can help, we do, from the conflict in Ukraine, which is on everyone’s minds, to the risk of famine in countries like Mali, and Burkina Faso, we know that girls who are in school are also less likely to be exposed to dangers such as sexual exploitation, trafficking and domestic labour. Plan are on the ground in all of these countries working with these people.”

Chupi Sweetman, who completed the abseil with talented team, said, “We really enjoyed the challenge of abseiling down Croke Park. It was touch and go for a while but we made, and we were able to raise funds for an incredible cause, Plan International Ireland are providing girls throughout the world the tools to be able to change the world!”

Head of Fundraising and Communications Carole Wickham who was also there on the day said, “I really want to thank everyone who took part in this event. As well as having teams there we also have teams on borders of Ukraine providing support to as many people as possible, particular children to give them the support they need but we need to make sure every person in need is taken care of and days like to today mean we can continue the world on the ground in all corners of the globe.”

If you are interested in taking part in a Plan International Fundraising event our annual Ball which will take place on the 8 th October 2022 in the Conrad Hotel. This Ball promises to be a night of good food and entertainment while raising funds for the vital work of Plan International Ireland; visit for more information.
