Ministers believe President “crossed a line” in housing comments

It’s claimed that President Michael D. Higgins ‘crossed a line’ in comments he made about the housing crisis.

According to reports a number of Government Minsters are said to be ‘furious’ about the remarks made in a speech yesterday.

President Higgins took aim at government housing policy yesterday while making an address at the opening of new -charity funded – accommodation for homeless young people in Co. Kildare.

The President described the issue as ‘our great, great failure’ and said the housing situation wasn’t a crisis anymore but a ‘disaster’.

According to the Irish Independent President Higgins is now facing a backlash from some Ministers.

Although none are named, it’s understood the criticism comes from the ministerial ranks across the coalition parties, one is quoted as saying the remarks were ’embarrassing’ while another said it ‘crossed a line’.
