Cabinet Ministers to discuss energy credit payments and support for farmers

Cabinet Ministers are set to discuss how energy credit payments will be implemented this morning.

It’s thought one payment will be made this side of Christmas, with the other two in the new year.

While 10 billion euro in expenditure for the agriculture sector is also expected to be signed off.

The introduction of three energy credit payments – worth 200 euro – will be given to all households as part of the government measures to tackle the cost of living.

However question marks remain over how this form of credit will work for pre-pay customers, to ensure they’re not cut off.

Energy Minister Eamon Ryan is expected to address these concerns and bring a memo to cabinet, outlining how this 200 euro fee will be divvied out over the few months.

At the moment, it’s expected people will receive one payment before Christmas, and two after.

Cabinet will also sign off on nearly 10 billion euro in expenditure for the agriculture sector this morning.

Ministers will approve 9.8 billion euro of Common Agricultural Policy money including direct payments from the EU.

While for the first time money will be provided to support female farmers.
