Planning permission granted for Donegal Town housing development

Planning permission has been granted for 35 housing units in Donegal Town.

The development at Bluestack Drive, Drumroost West will consist of two detached bunaglows, four semi-detached bunaglows, 17 two storey houses and 12 apartments in three two storey blocks.

Developer Shaun Doherty has been granted planning permission for 35 residential properties on the site on the outskirts of Donegal Town Centre.

The major housing development has been given the go ahead by An Bord Pleanála with 20 conditions attached to the development.

The development had previously been granted permission by Donegal County Council, however, in September 2021, an appeal was issued on the decision.

In response to the appeal, An Bord Pleanála requested an up to date Natura Impact statement to address issues arising including water discharges from the site, while they also requested a revised layout and design of the proposed apartments.

After further reports, the utility granted permission as the development would not seriously injure the visual and residential amenities of the area and would be acceptable in terms of pedestrian and traffic safety.

An inspector recommended a refusal of planning permission however, An Bord Pleanála said the revised Natura Report had satisfactory addressed the issues.

The twenty conditions include direction that construction works can only take place between 7am and 7pm on weekdays and 8am and 2pm on Saturdays with no work permitted on a Sunday or public holidays.

Link to the full report here:
