EPA publishes updated RAL as Lettermacaward boil notice remains in place

Almost 900 thousand people were put at risk because of two serious failures at Irish Water plants.

The utility has been strongly criticised in a new report from the Environmental Protection Agency over the incidents at Ballymore Eustace in Kildare and Gorey in Co. Wexford last year.

There were ‘significant failings in oversight by management’ according to the report which says that lives were put at risk because of contaminated water supplies.

There are three Donegal supplies on the EPA’s Remedial Action List – Milford, Glenties/Ardara, and Lettermacaward.

Meanwhile, it’s been suggested the Boil Water Notice may remain in place in the Lettermacaward area for a number of months to come.

That’s according to a West Donegal Councillor who has been criticial of the handling of the notice.

Councillor Micheál Choilm Mac Giolla Easbuig believes a public meeting needs to be held to update and inform residents…………..
