‘Devastation in Creeslough too hard to fathom’ – Tanaiste

The Tanaiste says the devastation in Creeslough is too hard to fathom.

Leo Varadkar has expressed his condolences to those who have lost loved ones in the tragedy.

He says its impossible to understand how people going about their daily business could be caught up in an explosion:


Statement from Tánaiste Leo Varadkar on Creeslough Tragedy:

“On Friday the nation’s collective heart stopped when the news broke.

“This unthinkable tragedy happened in a community which we will all be familiar with, to families who were going about their daily lives like we do. This freak accident has left many empty chairs at dinner tables. It is just too hard to fathom.

“The sadness is incomprehensible.

“When something like this happens it’s almost impossible to absorb the horror of it. If there is any consolation, we can find it in the way that the community has rallied and come together. The emergency services in Ireland and Northern Ireland have been heroic. Our hospitals are providing the best of care.

“This is only the beginning of the rescue. The effects will be felt for many years and we all have a role to play in providing whatever comfort we can.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with those families who have have lost loved ones, those recovering in hospital, the local community, and our emergency service personnel.

“Go ndéana Dia trócaire orthu agus go dtuga Sé siochán dóibh.”
