Taoiseach to meet North’s main political parties today

The Taoiseach will travel north today for talks with the leader of the DUP Jeffrey Donaldson.

Micheál Martin will also meet with the leaders of the other four main political parties at in Belfast.

The recent apology by Conservative MP Steve Baker over the way the British have treated the Irish over the Northern Ireland’s protocol suggests that London has softened its hard line position.

This has led to speculation that a compromise may be on the cards over changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol that would satisfy the DUP.

If those expected changes such as allowing imported goods from Britain in the North without having to be checked at ports are acceptable, the way could be paved for the DUP to re-enter Stormont with Michelle O’Neill as the First Minister designate.

Failure to reach agreement and the Northern Ireland parties could be going to polls next weeks for the second time in six months.
