Around the Northwest with John Breslin – Luke McGibbon


John is joined by comedian and counsellor Luke McGibbon to talk about his stand-up show ‘The Luke McGiveth and the Luke McTaketh Away’

Comedian, psychotherapist and Newsthump contributor Luke McGibbon brings his latest solo stand-up show to Derry and Omagh this November
 Dark things are discussed with a cheerful and lighthearted glint in his eye- working on a suicide hotline, psychological defence mechanisms and Northern Ireland’s troubled relationship with itself- but there’s plenty of whimsical nonsense in there about dogs with fetishes and the like.
Comedically, Luke has supported such Luminaries and local favourites as William Thompson, Kevin McAleer, Rich hall and Jason Byrne.


Get your tickets:

24th November, Daly’s bar, Omagh. 7pm. £5.
27 November, Bennigan’s bar, Derry. 7pm. £5.

