Humphreys calls SF motion a ‘political stunt’, Doherty says poverty levels are growing

The Social Protection Minister, Heather Humphreys, says Deputy Pearse Doherty’s Dáil motion on a Spring bonus and cost-of-living supports was nothing more than a political stunt.

It was tabled by the Sinn Fein Finance Spokesperson amid claims the Coalition is out of touch, and has failed to tackle the crisis.

Minister Humphreys says no political party or person has a monopoly on compassion.

She told the Dail the Government recognises the real challenges people are facing and has acted…………

However, Deputy Doherty told the Dail that every analysis published in recent weeks and months shows that the situation now is more bleak than it has ever been, and those on lower incomes are disproportionately affected………….
