Initial Public Consultation on Milford Town Centre plan to begin tomorrow

A planning and design company has been appointed to prepare a Town Centre First Plan for Milford.

GM Design Associates have been contracted to prepare the plan, which the council says will be regeneration and renewal, focused.The plan will look at how best to develop the town centre, and secure the funding to allow that to happen.

Donegal County Council says it is committed to driving these types of investments in town centres, in order to support and incentivise existing and prospective business, enterprise, community and voluntary activities.

People are being urged to participate in this process, with a public consultation getting underway tomorrow and lasting until Thursday March 9th. Tomorrow also sees the launch of the website.

As part of that process, an open drop-in event will take place this day week, Wednesday 22nd February at the Milford Public Services Centre.

Full details on how to participate can be found below.




Statement in full –


Milford Town Centre First Plan

Donegal County Council is delighted to announce the appointment of a multidisciplinary planning and design practice, GM Design Associates, to prepare a Town Centre First Plan for Milford. The Plan will be prepared in line with the new National Policy ‘Town Centre First – A Policy Approach for Irish Towns’ and will be regeneration & renewal focused with a view to strengthening the role, image, vibrancy, vitality and resilience of Milford town centre. It will put place-making at the centre of the value proposition for the town as a means of enabling and attracting investment and regeneration.

This project is funded through the Town and Village Renewal Fund programme and is the 1st Phase of the Town Centre First Masterplan Initiative implemented by the Department of Rural and Community Development as a part of Our Rural Future.

Welcoming the commencement of the process to prepare a Town Centre First Plan for Milford the Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr Liam Blaney, says “this  presents a significant opportunity for Milford and gives crucial support and confidence to the entire local community as it responds to post-pandemic recovery in the face of very significant economic challenges.” Furthermore, Cllr Blaney says “I want everyone to have their say as to how the town centre will develop and the Council will facilitate a process to ensure that this happens and that the needs of the local community are addressed”. “Now is the time for all the people of this town with ideas to come forward so we can make sure we harness the full potential of this funding.”

Cathaoirleach of the Letterkenny – Milford Municipal District, Cllr Donal Mandy Kelly, also acknowledged the importance of this project to the local community of Milford saying that “it will assist and support the community with the opportunity for regeneration and renewal in a sustainable manner and will greatly enhance the significance of the town and its offering in the longer term.” Cllr Kelly says “I would encourage the whole community to engage with this consultation process as it is crucial to hear the thoughts and ideas of the public so that the wider community are part of the process to shape this vision for the future of Milford Town Centre”.

Speaking about the project, Liam Ward, Director of Community Development and Planning Services with Donegal County Council says: “We are extremely pleased to have a highly experienced Team on board to prepare this Plan which represents a significant investment in the town centre of Milford that can make a real difference to the development of the town increasing its attractiveness and strengthening its identity”.  “The Council is committed to driving these types of investments in our town centres which will support and incentivise existing and prospective business, enterprise, community and voluntary activities in the renewal of our towns in a sustainable manner.” “Along with the entire community and all stakeholders I am very much looking forward to the progression of this exciting project and the delivery of the transformational regeneration that it will bring about.”

Jonny Stewart, Project Lead with GM Design Associates, says “this Plan will be very much consultative, collaborative, evidenced and action focused and we look forward to working with the Council, the local community and all the key stakeholders in the preparation of the Milford Town Centre First Plan”. “We encourage everyone to get involved and participate in the process.”

The process will commence with a first stage of Public Consultation to inform the preparation of the Draft Town Centre First Plan. This will open on Thursday 16th February 2023 with the launch of the project website:, and will close on Thursday 9th March 2023 at 4pm.

As a part of the first stage of the public consultation process Donegal County Council invites the public to come along to an open drop-in event that will take place on Wednesday 22nd February 2023 from 3.00pm to 8.00pm at the Milford Public Services Centre, Main Street, Milford.

You can also get involved during the first period of public consultation from Thursday 16th February to Thursday 9th March 2023 by:

  • Visiting the project website to leave comments or complete a questionnaire;
  • Visit the project Facebook page ‘Milford Town Centre First Plan’;
  • E-mail:;
  • Telephone : +44 (028) 7035 6138; or
  • Write: GM Design Associates, 22 Lodge Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, BT52 1NB.
