Uisce Eireann says Clonmany concerns will be addressed by imminent works

Uisce Eireann says concerns outlined at a public meeting in Clonmany last night will be addressed when works begin next month.

They say the works will help put a stop to bursts, outages and leakage in the area and give locals and visitors alike an improved confidence in the security of their water supply.

Crews are scheduled to arrive in Straid and Gaddyduff in mid-July to begin work on replacing more than 790m of old water mains which are susceptible to regular bursts and high levels of leakage, with the works due for completion in October. 

A  road closure will be implemented on the L-5381 in Gaddyduff , whilein Straid traffic lights will be place along the L-155, Urris for the duration of the works.
