SF motion on A5 passes in Dail with all party support

A Sinn Fein motion calling on the government to reinstate 50/50 funding for the A5 passed in the Dail last night with all party support.

The motion was not opposed by the government.

Welcoming the government’s approach, Donegal Deputy Padraig MacLochlainn stressed the importance of the road upgrade, from a road safety point of view, as well as its importance as an economic driver.

He also told the Dail that the Ten-T project in Donegal which will link up with the A5 is vitally important, and the momentum which has gathered around it muatcbe maintained………..

Junior Minister Jack Chambers told the Dail the government will meet its commitments, but stressed final decisions and figures cannot be discussed until ongoing statutory processes in the North are complete and work on the project can finally start.

On the issue of the Ten-T, he agreed that important work is being done, and pledged the government will continue to support it……..
