Agriculture Minister condemns treatment of animals in investigation programme

The Agriculture Minister’s condemned the treatment of animals by farmers screened on television last night.

A Prime Time Investigates programme showed scenes of animal cruelty at several marts.

It’s led to calls for proper enforcement of EU regulations to ensure animals are treated with respect.

Speaking to Highland Radio news, Minister McConalogue said his department is launching an investigation:

Charlie McConalogue T.D, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine released the following in statement in relation to the programme:

“I strongly condemn the shocking practices we saw on RTÉ Investigates tonight. They were certainly not reflective of the work that farmers put into managing their farm enterprises responsibly. Farmers care for their animals and would never want to see them mistreated.

As Minister, I have worked with stakeholders on a range of measures to improve calf welfare, and farmers and the industry are embracing these measures.

The footage shown by RTÉ represents the actions of a few. What we saw was utterly unacceptable, and in some instances, was unlawful.

My Department has requested RTÉ provide it with all of the footage available, and any other information it has, so that it can investigate the matter fully and take appropriate action”.
