Priest calls for parental opt outs as former ATU SU President stresses importance of sex education curriculum

A Donegal priest says a fact based sex education system is vitally important, and must have respect at its core.

However, speaking on today’s Nine til Noon Show, Fr John Joe Duffy said parents should be given the right to opt out from the programme being taught in schools.

The Friday Panel was discussing the new Leaving Cert sex education curriculum, which it’s suggested  will normalise lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other LGBTQ+ identities, relationships and families, rather than marginalising them in stand-alone lessons.

Former ATU Students Union President Edward Grant said this is a very important addition to the curriculum which he believes is vital for the protection of children and young people.

He said gender based violence is a reality, and knowledge and education are vital in the effort to tackle it…………..


Speaking on the same show, Fr John Joe Duffy says parents are the primary educators, and that must be respected.

He also questioned whether second level students have the capacity to make potentially life changing decisions in this area ..………
