Donegal Airport and Narin Beach seek ‘Age Frendly’ designation as DCC prepares new strategy

Donegal County Council’s Social Inclusion Unit recently completed a consultation process for the new Age Friendly Strategy, with the updated document set to be launched in October.

The programme is built on the recognition of the valuable role that older people can and should play in shaping their communities for the better.

The Donegal Age Friendly Programme commenced in 2013, and the third Age Friendly Strategy is currently being prepared.

At a briefing, members of the Glenties Municipal District were told that Narin beach in South West Donegal has been selected as the national pilot for an Age Friendly beach. Assessments have been taking place, and following the current process, it is anticipated that Narin beach will be formally named as the first Age Friendly beach in the country.

Meanwhile, Donegal Airport is also undertaking a process, facilitated by the Donegal Age Friendly programme, which will result in the achievement of Age Friendly status for the airport.

Audits have been carried out at both Narin Beach and the airport, and the reports from both are due to be considered by a steering committee shortly.
