43rd MacGill Summer School begins today

The 43rd MacGill Summer School begins today.

The theme of this year’s event is ‘A New Global Order: Precarious & Dangerous?’

Government ministers, parliamentarians, heads of industry, trade union leaders, economists, sociologists and a range of public representatives from the North and South and beyond will gather at the Highlands Hotel in Glenties over the next four days.

The Summer School opens this afternoon with the war in Ukraine dominating. Ambassador of Ukraine to Ireland Larysa Gerasko will be in attendance.

Tomorrow, the attention turns to China, the European Union and the Irish Economy with the Annual Hume Lecture which will hear from Congressman Brendan Boyle concludes events on day two.

Discussions will centre on the future of Russia and separately the future of Ireland on Friday while Seamus Heaney will be remembered on the tenth anniversary of his death along with Brian Friel.

The event will draw to a close on Saturday with talks centering on the planet, climate change and artificial intelligence.
