Evidence from former paratroopers admitted as evidence in Soldier F trial

A judge has ruled that statements from five former paratroopers will be used as evidence in the trial of Soldier F who has been charged with two murders and five attempted murders on Bloody Sunday.

The family of William McKinney who was one of 13 people shot dead on January 30th 1972 has welcomed the decision.

Following today’s decision by District Judge Magill to admit significant hearsay applications in respect of five former paratroopers who were present on Bloody Sunday, Mickey McKinney, the brother of William McKinney who was shot in Glenfada Park, in a statement issued by Madden & Finucane has welcomed the move.

He says each of the witnesses provides significant evidence of Soldier F being present in Glenfada Park firing his weapon.

Mr McKinney added that they look forward now with renewed confidence to Soldier F being formally returned to stand trial for murder and attempted murder as expeditiously as possible.

Madden & Finucane also represent Joe Mahon, Joe Friel and Michael Quinn who were shot and wounded in Glenfada Park as well as the family of Patrick O’Donnell who was shot and wounded but who has since died.
