150,800 people living in Derry and Strabane

150,800 people currently reside in Derry and Strabane.

There was little change to the total population in the region between mid 2021 and mid 2022.

According to latest figures from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, as of June 30th last year, the population of Northern Ireland was 1.911 million.

There was little change to the population of Derry and Strabane over the course of a year as the natural population change through births and deaths evened the number who migrated.

The population grew by just 1.5% over 12 months, the second lowest growth recorded across the North.

62.4% of people living in Strabane and Derry are of working age, 21.2% are aged between 0 – 15 and the remainder are 65 years or older, making the median population age 35.9 to 39.6 years old.

You can read the full report here
