Donegal children are losing out on disability support services

Parents with children under the Children’s Disability Network Team across Donegal have received letters explaining they may lose out on services due to recruitment and vacancy issues.

The letter outlined that children with the most complex needs in terms of speech therapy, occupational therapy and psychology services will be prioritised.

Michelle, who’s daughter has down syndrome says early intervention is key and without this her daughter and many other children may miss out on the ability to walk and talk.

Speaking to Greg Hughes on this morning’s Nine ‘Til Noon Show, she says has resorted to taking webinars in a bid to best help her daughter:

Meanwhile Catriona, who’s son has autism says that the skilled people are in Donegal, but leaving because of the cost of living crisis:


HSE Statement:

“We are unable to comment on individual circumstances surrounding particular cases in order to protect patient/client confidentiality. However the HSE confirms that there are ongoing, active recruitment processes and initiatives in place to fill vacancies arising in Children’s Disability Teams. Recruitment to Children’s Disability Network Teams is receiving priority attention by the HSE locally and nationally due to the workforce challenges in the sector.”
