Defective block homeowner says new redress scheme is still unworkable as funds can’t be drawn down

A Defective Block homeowner who is living in a mobile home with his family after the recent demolition of their home in Donegal says they are now stalled in limbo, because while they’ve been told they had clearance to demolish and rebuild, delays in changing from the old scheme to the new scheme mean they still haven’t been cleared to draw down funding.

Joe Morgan featured on a Prime Time programme on RTE television last night.

This morning, he spoke to Greg Hughes on the Nine til Noon Show………….

During a lengthy interview on this morning’s show, Joe’s daughter Aoife spoke of a wonderful first day at secondary school, and then arriving home to find most of her home had been demolished and her bedroom was gone.

Joe’s wife Elaine spoke of the trauma of deciding what possessions to keep before the demolition, and the extent to which watching the house being knocked down affected her……………….


The whole interview with Joe, Elaine and Aoife Morgan can be heard here……..
