Plans for centre for Ukrainian refugees in South Donegal on hold

Plans for a centre for Ukrainian refugees in South Donegal have been put on hold.

The Department of Housing has deemed the former Ringfort Inn, Bruckless unsuitable to provide temporary accommodation for Ukrainian refugees.

Earlier this week, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has confirmed that the former Ringfort Inn had been offered to the Department for the accommodation of Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine.

A spokesperson says it had been passed on to the Department of Housing, as the accommodation is in need of refurbishment.

In a statement today, the Department of Housing says the property was appraised by the Technical Working group, set up for the purpose of prioritising buildings to be refurbished for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection.

The criteria for assessment included location, capacity, delivery time lines and value for money among others.

It’s been confirmed that the Working Group deemed the building in Bruckless to be unsuitable.
