Korean delegates visit Derry in maritime workshop

A delegation from Korea visited Derry as part of a two-day workshop focusing on maritime issues in both the Korean peninsula and the Island of Ireland.

It was organised and sponsored by Queen’s University Belfast and the Korea Maritime Institute.

The theme of the workshop was ‘Reflections on Transboundary Cooperation for Sustainable Ocean and Coastal Areas’.

On the second day of the workshop, the Korean delegates visited the Peace Bridge, Ebrington Square and the Loughs Agency’s Headquarters in Prehen, Derry.

They engaged with staff members and discussed the role and operational systems of Loughs Agency in terms of a North South Implementation Body with responsibility for transboundary aquatic systems.

Sharon McMahon, Loughs Agency CEO, said hosting the delegates was a privilege and she hopes the insights will assist with the development of a maritime strategy for Korea.
