Three to be prosecuted over singing of offensive song about murder of Michaela McAreavey

Three people are to be prosecuted in connection with the singing of a song which contained offensive lyrics about the murder of Michaela McAreavey.

Seven people were reported to the Public Prosecution Service after a police investigation into social media footage of the singing at an event in Dundonald, Co Down, in May 2022

No one has ever been convicted for the murder of the 27 year old who was killed while on honeymoon in Mauritius in January 2011.

According to RTE News, the PPS said that after careful consideration of all the evidence and information reported by the PSNI, a decision has been taken to prosecute three individuals for the offence of “stirring up hatred” contrary to Article 9 of the Public Order (NI) Order 1987.

Summonses will now be issued to them to appear at a magistrates’ court on a date yet to be set.
