Border region ranks lowest in mean and median hourly pay

The Border Region had the lowest median and mean hourly earnings last year according to CSO statistics published today.

The highest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers in 2022 was in Dublin at €32.16 with 38.1 mean paid weekly hours, followed by the Mid-East at €29.19 with 38.1 mean paid weekly hours.

The lowest mean hourly earnings for full-time workers were in the Border region at €22.60 with 37.7 mean paid weekly hours.

The highest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were in the South-West at €21.53 with 18.9 mean paid weekly hours, followed by the Mid-West at €21.27 with 17.7 mean paid weekly hours.

The lowest mean hourly earnings for part-time workers were recorded in the Border region at €18.27 with 17.5 mean paid weekly hours.

The lowest median hourly earnings for full-time and part-time workers were also in the Border region at €17.93 with 38.8 hours and €13.51 with 17.8 median paid weekly hours respectively.
