Donegal Gardaí issue road safety reminders as part of Remembrance Day for Road Traffic Victims

Gardaí in Donegal have issued road safety reminders as part of World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

Events are taking place nationwide.

Gardaí in Donegal have issued the following reminders for all road users:

  • Always wear our seatbelts and ensure that others in our vehicle are also wearing theirs.
  • Always stay within the appropriate speed limit.
  • Never use or hold our mobile phone while driving.
  • Never drive while under the influence of alcohol/drugs and never to turn a blind eye in relation to others who do so either.
  • Ensure that our vehicle is in a road worthy condition, check tyres, lights, brakes etc. before undertaking any journey.
  • Always drive with due care and attention and be especially vigilant in relation to more vulnerable road users – we should always follow the rules of the road.
  • Pedestrians/cyclists should also make a pledge to follow the rules of the road fully and should ensure that they are highly visible to motorists at all times through the use of lights and hi-viz gear – the appropriate safety gear should also always be worn.

Homes across Dublin are invited to participate in Remembrance Day by placing a light in their window to honour those who have lost their lives in road accidents over the past year.

Brendan O’Brien, a representative of Dublin City Council, says the main objective of the event is to promote road safety.
