438 Donegal births in Q2 of 2023

There were 438 births in Donegal in the second quarter on this year 53% were male and 47% were female.

The average age of the mother at the time of the birth was 30.8 years old.

1% of mothers were under the age of 20, 9% were aged 20-24 and 16% were 25-29.

While 38% we aged 30-34, 27% were aged 35-39 and 8% were over 40 years old.

315 people died in the same time period.

33% were cancer related deaths, 25% passed away from a disease of the circulatory system and 8% were that of the respiratory system.

2% were the result of external injury or poisoning and the remaining 31% were due to other reasons.
