McGrath says he’s seeking solutions to financial impasse facing many defective block homeowners

The Finance Minister says he’s examining what can be done to help defective block homeowners who are not in a position to move forward on the remediation of their properties because of a lack of money.

Michael McGrath was responding to a Dail question from Donegal Deputy Pearse Doherty.

Deputy Doherty asked Minister McGrath to outline his engagements with representative groups of homeowners affected by defective concrete blocks with respect to bridging finance and the significant funding shortfall homeowners face to remediate their homes.

Responding, he said he fully understands the difficult situation faced by homeowners, saying that as remedial works progress, homeowners will be eligible to apply for grant payments in stages, on submission of interim valuation certificates.

However, he said he is aware that some homeowners have identified potential challenges with commencing remediation work in circumstances where advance payment is required by building professionals, and said he’s asked officials to engage with stakeholders and officials in the Department of Housing to identify options for addressing the issue.

Deputy Doherty says the situation is unsustainable, and said the government must immediately approve bespoke arrangements to address significant shortfalls including the provision of bridging finance.


Dail question and reply –



To ask the Minister for Finance to update Dáil Éireann on his engagement with the retail banking sector, Department of Housing and representative groups of homeowners affected by defective concrete blocks with respect to bridging finance and the significant funding shortfall homeowners face to remediate their homes.


I fully understand the difficult situation faced by homeowners whose houses are affected by defective concrete blocks.

The Government response to this issue is led by my colleague the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, who has put in place a scheme of financial support to help affected homeowners. As remedial works progress, homeowners will be eligible to apply for grant payments in stages, on submission of interim valuation certificates by a competent building professional.

However, I am aware that some homeowners have identified potential challenges with commencing remediation work in circumstances where advance payment is required by building professionals prior to receipt of the first grant payment and despite confirmation of homeowners’ eligibility for the Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme.

Along with my Government colleagues, I will continue to work to ensure that the Scheme operates as effectively and consistently for all affected homeowners. I have therefore asked my officials to engage with stakeholders and officials in the Department of Housing to identify options for addressing the issue raised, with the overall aim of supporting homeowners.
