Donegal JPC is told there is no evidence of increases in crime where refugees are housed

The Donegal Joint Policing Committee has been told there is no evidence that crime is rising in areas where refugees and asylum seekers are being housed.

The assurance was given by Chief Superintendent Aidan Glackin, in response to Cllr Barry Sweeney, who said certain groups are seeking to stir up fear.

Earlier, the Chief Super told the meeting that burglaries and thefts from the person are up, but sexual assaults and other assaults are down.

Chief Superintendent Aidan Glackin told the Donegal Joint policing committee this morning that have been 116 burglaries reported so far this year, 16% up on last year.

There was also an increase in the number of thefts from the person, from four to 14, a 250% rise.

There were two robberies of commercial premises this year, compared to none last year.

Thefts from vehicles were down with 26 recorded, down 32%.

82 sexual offences were reported, down 5%.

There were 165 assaults causing harm, down 25% and 352 minor assaults, down 5%.

There were 442 public order offences, down 9%.

Over the course of the year, 258 people have been arrested for drink driving, down slightly and 144 for drug driving up slightly.
