DCC Budget 2024 Meeting underway

Donegal County Council’s Budget Meeting is underway in Lifford, with members being presented with figures on projected spending for all council departments in 2024.

It’s anticipated a vote will take place later today.

The council will spend just over €185.5 million in 2024.

Of that, just over €74.5 million will be spent on wages, just over €11 million on pensions and gratuities, just over €26 million on contract payments and just over €15 million on administration and administration expenses.

The bulk of the money, €65 million, will come from grants, with a further €28 million from local property tax and the local government fund.

Just over €40 million will be realised through commercial rates, which are not being increased this year, although a new Annual Rate of Valuation of .232 will be used following the recent revaluation programme conducted in the county.

Chief Executive John McLaughlin repeated his warning that rates increases would be needed in future budgets, with a conversation on that to take place next year.

Director of Finance Richard Gibson told the council that under the new valuations, a higher percentage of businesses are paying less than €5,000.

He also said the Small Business Grant Scheme, which offers conditional partial rare rebates will be operational again in 2024.

Service division breakdown and 2023 comparison –

