Almost €400,000 approved for Donegal Gaeltacht areas

Almost €400,000 has been approved for four Donegal Gaeltachts for the development of community initiatives and early years services.

In Gweedore, Ranafast, Annagray and Loughanure, was awarded €47,320 for renovations to the Knock Fola Community Centre.

Additionally over €262,000 has been approved for the Scoil Bhríde board of management for the construction of a naíonra.

In the Gaeltacht Láir LPA, a grant of almost €11,000 has been approved for Coiste Forbartha Éadan Fhionn Fhraoich to carry out renovation works on the community hall and up to €81,328 approved for Cúram Leanaí an Chlocháin to appoint consultants to prepare plans for the development of a childcare centre and naíonra.
