Tourish returns to Harps, who also sign Edogan from Treaty Utd

Finn Harps manager Darren Murphy (centre) with new signings Success Edogan and Conor Tourish

Finn Harps have announced the signings of Conor Tourish and Success Edogun for the 2024 season.

Tourish returns to the club from Letterkenny Rovers. The defender was a huge fan favourite during his previous stint at Finn Park and was voted the 2022 Player of the Season.

Harps boss Darren Murphy told “Conor’s obviously a lad that’s been here before, and was actually voted Player of the Season the last time he was here so we’re delighted that he’s decided to have another go in the League of Ireland and return to Finn Park.”

Tourish told club media: “It’s great to be back at Finn Park. I really enjoyed my last season with the club, even if results didn’t go how we wanted but I’m excited to be signed up again for 2024 and to get to work now in January.”

Edogun arrives at Finn Park from Treaty United. The attacker scored seven times for the Limerick side last season. He is a product of the St. Patrick’s Athletic academy, and has also spent time at Wexford FC and Athlone Town.

On the capture of Edogun, Murphy said: “Success is a player that caught my eye in the First Division when we played against him and is one of the strikers in the league I have a lot of time for. He works hard, his hold up play is excellent and he is a player that’s capable of scoring all kinds of goals. At 22 he fits the age profile of the squad we’re looking to put together. He’s a versatile attacker, who can hold the ball up, run in behind and come in off the wing and he gives myself and the coaching staff lots of options. “
