Coroner finds death of Co Derry child was result of ‘human errors’

A coroner has found the death of a young girl from Co Derry was due to “a series of human errors” and not “systemic failure”.

9 year old Raychel Ferguson from Coshquin died on June 10th 2001.

She was one of five children whose hospital treatment was examined in the long-running Hyponatraemia Inquiry.

Raychel Ferguson died at the Royal Belfast Hospital after an appendix operation at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry.

As part of the Hyponatraemia Inquiry, Justice O’Hara found that the nine year old’s death was the result of “negligent care”.

An inquest into her death was ordered in January 2022.

Delivering his findings at Belfast Coroner’s Court, Coroner Joe McCrisken said he was “satisfied that a series of individual human errors resulted in Raychel’s death rather than serious systemic structural failures”.

According to RTE News, he recorded Raychel’s death as cerebral edema and hyponatraemia.

The coroner added that he is satisfied that following both the inquiry and this inquest lessons have been learned.
