The Irish Red Cross has hit out at Government plans to cut social welfare benefits for Ukrainian refugees.
Under plans to be finalised by Cabinet this morning, those travelling from the war torn country will see their weekly payments cut by over 80%, and access to State accommodation limited.
A late meeting of the Cabinet subcommittee last night signed off on the plans to slash the welfare rates and put time limit on housing for Ukrainian refugees.
The changes, expected to be approved today, will limit state accommodation for new arrivals from Ukraine to 90 days.
While in state-supported housing, they will be given a weekly payment of €38.80 as opposed to be being able to claim €220 in jobseekers’ allowance, which Ukrainians who are currently living here are entitled to.
This has prompted the Irish Red Cross to call out the government for using a “sledgehammer” to deal with a delicate situation.
In a statement last night, the charity said the proposed measure “is not intended to manage the accommodation crisis in Ireland but to send a message of deterrence to others thinking of travelling here.
They have also expressed concern that many of the refugees here are mothers with children who may not be able to seek alternative accommodation or employment to pay for their stay here.