Podcast Monday’s Nine Til Noon Show


The Nine ’til Noon Show  – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show which aims to inform and entertain listeners and to platform their views and issues:

It’s Christmas week on the Nine Til Noon Show with loads of special features! We start with a look at what is making the newspaper headlines before hearing from a listener unhappy with the TFI Inishowen to Letterkenny bus service. Carol tells of a disturbing attempt by two men to access the vehicle she was driving in Letterkenny and we hear of a fundraiser for Karen and Ray who lost their home in a housefire on Long Lane:

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Lee Gooch visits Scoil Mhuire in Milford for a chat with students and teachers and then we head to Tommy and Sinead for music and chat from Hillcrest Nursing Home:

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We are back with Tommy and Sinead before being joined by John Joe McGinley with advice on planning an autism Christmas. Later students from Gairmscoil Chú Uladh are in studio to talk about their original song ‘An Nollaig Mar A Bhí’. Later there is details on the new deposit scheme for cans and plastic bottles:

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