Donegal rescue used to highlight importance of PLB

The importance of a Personal Locator Beacon has been highlighted once again.

In it’s end of year report, the Irish Coast Guard says a recent incident in Donegal where four fishers were rescued highlighted the value of wearing a PLB.

To date in 2023, 44 Coast Guard Units were mobilised on 1,278 occasions, Coast Guard Helicopters conducted 796 missions, Royal National Lifeboat Institution lifeboats were tasked 850 times, Community inshore rescue service boats were requested on 76 occasions, Critical assistance was provided to 665 people and Coast Guard helicopters conducted 174 air ambulance flights from offshore islands with August the busiest month.

Minister of State with special responsibility for the Irish Coast Guard, Jack Chambers has thanked those involved and has particularly recognised the work of the Watch Officers at Rescue Coordination Centres in Malin, Valentia and MRCC Dublin.

A recent incident in Donegal where four fishers were rescued highlighted the value of wearing a PLB. It proved to be the only means of raising the alarm, thus enabling the Coast Guard to mount a successful search and rescue mission.

People are reminded that if you see somebody in trouble on the water or along the coast, or think they are in trouble contact the Coast Guard.
