Police reissue appeal over Donegal woman’s murder in Scotland

Detectives investigating the murder of a Donegal woman in Scotland have reissued an appeal for information.

61 year old Ann Coll who was originally from the Gweedore area was found dead on December 22nd.

Detectives from the Major Investigation Team are continuing to appeal for information over a week on from the murder Ann Coll in Rutherglen, Scotland.

The Donegal woman was found with serious injuries at a flat on Newfield Place at around 12.45am on Friday, 22 December and pronounced dead at the scene.

At a press conference in recent days, Detective Chief Inspector Lynsey Watters said the force is fully committed to tracing the person or people responsible for Ann’s death.

Anyone who knew the 61 year old or who witnessed anything suspicious or unusual on the evening of Thursday, December 21st and into the early hours of the following day, near to where she was found dead is asked to contact police.

Police say they have been carrying out extensive enquiries to piece together Ann’s movements and the circumstances leading up to her death including reviewing a wide range of CCTV and been speaking to residents and friends of Ann.
