Donegal County Council publishes notice on commercial rates for 2024

Donegal County Council has formally published the Commercial Revaluation of Rates notice for businesses in the county.

As agreed at November’s Budget meeting, the Annual Rateable Valuation for all rateable properties in the county is €0.232.

In the notice published this week, the council says several changes are taking place which will affect all ratepayers from this year.

Commercial Rates are now due from 1st January and are payable as a single charge. However, the Council says it will continue to accept monthly direct debit payments, if requested.

The Base Year Adjustment for rateable properties which previously existed within the former Buncrana Town Council area has ceased. The ARV is now harmonised countywide at €0.232. As indicated at November’s budget meeting, this is the same as the indicative ARV specified on the Revaluation Certificates issued last year.

Interest charges will be applicable from 1st of January 2026 on unpaid 2025 Commercial Rates bills, with the council saying further information will be provided in due course.


Notice in full –

Commercial Rates Annual Rateable Valuation Notice


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Section 3 of The Local Government Rates (Financial Procedures) Regulations 2023 that the Annual Rateable Valuation (ARV) for all rateable properties within the rating authority of Donegal County Council for the financial year commencing on 1st of January 2024 and ending on 31st ofDecember 2024 is €0.232. This rate is the same as the indicative ARV specified on the Revaluation Certificates issued by Tailte Éireann in 2023.


Under new legislation, several changes are taking place which will affect all ratepayers from 2024. The most significant of these are:


  • Commencing in 2024, Commercial Rates are now due from 1st January and are payable as a single charge. However, the Council will continue to accept monthly direct debit payments, if requested.
  • The Base Year Adjustment (BYA) for rateable properties within the former Buncrana Town Council area has ceased. The ARV is now harmonised countywide at €0.232.
  • Amendments to the valuation list will now be effective immediately (i.e.: revisions, additions & removals, and appeals).
  • There will now be provision for pro-rata liability and billing where occupation ends or begins mid-year.
  • By way of advance notice and in accordance with the new legislation, interest charges will be applicable from 1st of January 2026 on unpaid 2025 Commercial Rates bills. Further information will be provided in due course.


Dated this 2nd January 2024


Signed:  John G. Mc Laughlin

Chief Executive

Donegal County Council



