Progress on walking and cycling hub for Inishowen

It’s expected that a walking and cycling hub planned for Inishowen will be up and running by the start of the summer.
The project is being coordinated by the Active Inishowen Project,  a collaboration led by Donegal Sports Partnerships in conjunction with Inishowen Development Partnership and local community groups and organisations.
Welcoming the progress, Minister Charlie McConalogue said the initiative will encourage more participation in sports and physical activity, especially for those who are marginalised and disadvantaged.
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A walking and cycling hub planned for Inishowen is expected to be up and running by the start of the summer.
The Active Inishowen Project – a collaboration led by Donegal Sports Partnerships in conjunction with Inishowen Development Partnership and local community groups and organisations – has been tasked with establishing a walking and cycling hub for the peninsula.
The initiative aims to support the growth of participation in sports and physical activity, especially for those most marginalised and disadvantaged in the area. It will also seek to build the capacity for both activities through education and training.
Welcoming the setting up of a dedicated walking and cycling hub in Inishowen, Donegal government minister, Charlie McConalogue, said: “This is a great news story, and the new hub will have such a positive impact on many people in the area when it is fully operational. A needs analysis is currently being worked on, and a hub coordinator will be appointed later in the year.
“I know that Donegal Sports Partnership, which secured funding for the initiative under a Dormant Accounts measure administered by Sport Ireland, is working closely with Inishowen Development Partnership where the hub coordinator will be based.
“There are also plans to establish a steering group for the project. It’s envisaged that the hub coordinator will be in place near the end of March, with the hub itself being launched in the second quarter of the year.”
“This new initiative is all about growing opportunities for people to walk and to cycle. It’s, and to reach out and connect with those who are most marginalised and most disadvantaged to help and assist them increase their participation in sport and physical activity,” the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine added.