Podcast: Wednesday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon Show  is broadcast live weekdays 9am til 12noon! If you missed Wednesday’s live show, you can listen to the podcast below!

After a look at the front pages, we chat to Donagh Kelly about the prospects of Ireland hosting rounds of the WRC, The Very Reverend Liz Fitzgerald reacts to vandalism at the graveyard at St Eunan’s Cathedral in Raphoe. We also hear of a an initiative in Derry which was launched following similar incidence in the City:

Senator Francis Black calls on Ireland to back calls for Israel to be charged with genocide, we hear from one of the postmasters caught up in Britain’s post office scandal. Later a business owner says he is no longer employing 15 and 15 year-old questioning their work ethic and the effort and cost to to train them:

The conversation on young people in the workplace continues before we are joined by Chris Ashmore to preview the ‘ Business Matters’ pod. Later Ivan Yates joins Greg to talk about his new political podcast with Matt Cooper:

